0. Berliner Symposium über Leseförderung im Zeitalter der KI
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by Daniel D. Hromada
@ DigiEduBerlin
Daniel D. Hromada

0. Berliner Symposium über Leseförderung im Zeitalter der KI

Welcome !

0th Transdisciplinary συμπόσιον on Reading Promotion in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

0th trandisciplinary ...

informatics*, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybernetics

psychology, linguistics, pedagogy, didactics

philology, germanistics



note: in informatics, we count from zero


slightly different than an ordinary "Tagung"

limited number of participants with different perspectives and skills

international, cross-generational and multi-lingual

gradual shift from frontal lecture to interactive sessions and roundtable discussions



generate illustration depicting the dilemma "Should future artificial teachers be allowed to teach our children - and children of their children - how to read and write ?"

inform, network, brainstorm

exchange best practices

answer the question: "Should we use AI in Leseförderung ?"

create tradition of "AI & Reading" Symposia

have fun & enjoy the moment !

... Leseförderung ...


Development of PISA scores for "reading skills" (OECD average)

learning & teaching how to read is a very complex process where cognitive, social, cultural, economical, technological and even ideological factors intertwine

reading competence falls down drastically

not only because of CoVid

new repositories (Internet), media (smartphones) and semiotic systems (emojis) emerge which undermine authority of traditional means of transferring knowledge (books, libraries, human teachers...)

... Era of Artificial Intelligence

The advent of AI already obliges us to rethink many educational practices (e.g. exams).

Two types of AI will be addressed during this symposium:



Discriminative AI

Discriminative artificial intelligence recognizes and classifies objects into categories. 
In context of reading&writing acquisition, these forms of dAI are of particular relevance:

voice identification

handwriting recognition/identification

facial expressions....

speech signal classification

speech-to-text (STT), automatic speech recognition (ASR): both disciminative and generative


Generative artificial intelligence produces and creates.

In context of this symposium, following technologies will be addressed:

text-to-speech and voice cloning


"talking head" generation

large language models

Ante Meridiem

Christa Röber: Die systematische Progression des schriftsprachen Lernens als Grundlage für die digitale Unterstützung der Erwerbsprozesse: das Konzept "Zirkus Palope"

Elisabeth Kunze, Tobias Miller, Simon Oldeboershuis: Leseförderung online mit LeOn: Praxis an den Schulen und technische Weiterentwicklung

Maren Wallbaum: Kinder sprechen anders: Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Spracherkennung

Daniel Hromada: Personal Primer, fibel.digital and Human-Machine Peer Learning

prof. Christa Röber

Die systematische Progression des schriftsprachen Lernens als Grundlage für die digitale Unterstützung der Erwerbsprozesse: das Konzept "Zirkus Palope"

Elisabeth Kunze, Tobias Miller, Simon Oldeboershuis

Leseförderung online mit LeOn: Praxis an den Schulen und technische Weiterentwicklung

Maren Wallbaum

Kinder sprechen anders: Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Spracherkennung

prof. Daniel Hromada

Overview of some reading-related prototypes & concepts issued from 6 years of DigiEduBerlin

Bon appetit !

Enjoy Your meal !

Post Meridiem

Pitches, Workshops, Coming together

Track 1: Digitale Leseförderung (DE)

Accompanied by Daniel D. Hromada

Track 2: Generative AI

Introduction to text-to-image using ComfyUI by Christian Schmidts

How it works (diffusion-explainer)

Introduction to Comfy UI

Introduction to Comfy UI

Pape speaks !

Pape speaks

Track 3: Kognitive, ethische und philosophische Aspekte

Accompanied by Zihern Lee


Should artificial intelligences be allowed to teach our children - and children of their children - how to read and write ?

Input from Plenum

assistant system

teaching teachers

teaching: human contact, giving ability to see how rules are, so they can become independent to go on their own, building relationship, to show possibilities of construction of own life, giving opportunity to find out rules, patterns & structures

teachers are important (Sonne und Beton)

body language is crucial

understanding the value of poses & cultural nuances

reading competence is part of personality

exercise creativity

Input from GPT4


GPT4 response to the prompt "generate illustration depicting the dilemma "Should future artificial teachers be allowed to teach our children - and children of their children - how to read and write ?"

GPT4: Here is the illustration depicting the dilemma of whether future artificial teachers should be allowed to teach our children and future generations how to read and write. The image shows a futuristic classroom where humanoid robots are teaching children, while concerned adults and traditional teachers debate the implications.


Please put on a piece of paper Your answer to the question: "Should artificial intelligences be allowed to teach our children - and children of their children - how to read and write ?" represented by a number where:

-2 means "definitely not"

-1 means "rather not"

1 means "rather yes"

2 means "definitely yes"

Where do we go from here ?

Hat jemand Lust auf Organisierung:

auf Organisierung des 1. Transdisziplinäres Symposium zur Leseförderung im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz ?

auf Mitarbeit beim Entstehung des Journal "Encounter" ?



Thanks to Zihern, Arya, Pierre, Christa, Hinrich ...